On closer look, they realize it's wolf Ruby, who reverts to human after being covered by her cloak. After not finding Hook at the pawnshop, she rushes outside when Henry calls for her help as he is cornered by Nimue. At night, the townspeople throw a celebration at Granny's in honor of Emma and Mary Margaret's return. "Hello Emma, Mary Margret, what brings you here?". The Queen teleports the trio to the woods, where Henry and Hook give her a pep-talk about her ability to find people even without magic. From this, Emma tells Regina how she came to the decision of inviting her to the party and discloses what Archie said. After a search, they do not find him, as Mr. Gold got to him first. She confronts him to ask what he carries around in the wooden box strapped to his motorcycle. Upon entering the yellow bug, Henry tells Emma about how he won over Violet with Yaz's "Only You", the same song Neal had used on Emma. Once they are alone, Emma cannot hold back from containing her disgust at Regina's scheming ways. Emma convinces Henry they are real with their plan to save him entitled, "Operation Cobra Rescue". After Anna is released, Ingrid touches the scroll crystal and receives Gerda's happy memories with her and Helga. He is suspicious about all the old friends she's never mentioned and how people seem to whisper secretively around him. Emma pities her, but doesn't intervene on Hook's warning that the future may be altered by changing the past. The definition of unexpected pregnancies, ft sterek and not months of pregnancy, [ Its a girl! When she mentions her journey to the Underworld, Neal tries to persuade her out of it, because once she is there, it won't be easy to leave. Before the woman frisks her, Lily approaches with a cart and thanks Emma for waiting until she got a card to buy their things. At the counter, Mary Margaret blurts out August's whereabouts, and Marco, who is sitting next to Emma, overhears and wants to see him. He was not going to throttle his husband. A brief struggle with Jefferson ensues, but Mary Margaret hits and kicks him out the window. To get a better look at the wall, she uses a lit candle in a halved coconut holder. Snow knows to be untrue and she begins telling her about something that happened to her and David during the first curse, but she is cut off when Emma finds the last pixie flower. In turn, she receives a dream catcher from Gold to see into Pongo's memories; depicting an image of Regina strangling Archie and proving Mr. Gold's innocence. After Emma fully transforms into the Dark One, she is wearing a hair ornament reminiscent of the wings of a swan. A woman, Cleo, correctly guesses that Emma is the baby that was abandoned. During a diner celebration welcoming David and Mary Margaret's son, Emma and Hook overhear Henry reading the fairytale story of how Prince Charming and Snow White met. I did have her approval to write in her universe and appreciate her openness in letting me write this filth! Henry snatches the turnover and states that she may not believe in the curse or in him, but he believes in her. Because Emma threatens to tell Belle everything, Mr. Gold agrees to reopen the portal to the Underworld so she can rescue Hook. As they storm the cabin, Cruella pulls a gun on them, although Mary Margaret knocks her out. As Emma turns to leave, Cleo uses her intuition again, this time to reveal she knows Emma stole from stores in Phoenix, got arrested and skipped bail. She expresses her belief that the man she fell for knew all this, and that they could lean on each other in times of crisis without secrets dividing them. With a powerful being from Rumple and Regina's past ready to collect on an old debt, it's up to the savior and the queen to not only fight for each other, but the entire town. However, Emma is concerned Henry will grow up alone just like herself. ("Best Laid Plans"), While Emma is still growing in her mother Snow White's womb, Snow makes a desperate wish on a blue star to have a way to give her daughter a happy ending. Desperate to get the potential for darkness out of their daughter, Snow White and Prince Charming visit the Apprentice who tells them he can infuse another vessel with their daughter's potential for darkness. If you don't like this type of fanfic, then please don't read. She heads to the manor where Mr. Gold directs her into a room to be stripped of magic. "No, he went out sailing and we've been trying to get a hold of him." At Robin's funeral, after everyone has left, Emma prepares to say goodbye to him alone when Hook unexpectedly returns. As Emma and Regina work on fixing one of the mirrors, the Queen forces the Dragon to morph into his dragon form and orders him to kill them. After sending Henry to her house, Emma and her family try to figure out Mr. Gold's current location in Storybrooke. Then, he leads them to a giant beanstalk stretching up into the sky, and explains there is an enchanted compass at the top, but first they must deal with the giant guarding it. However, when Regina tears down Henry's castle for so-called safety concerns, Emma becomes angry and calls Sidney. What could happen? After regaining an alliance with Tinker Bell, Emma stays behind with Neal, who accepts what she said earlier and thinks of Henry as the best thing that came out of them being together, which she agrees with. "Emma, Love, I am so sorry I didn't answer the phone. Though tempted to change her mind, Emma believes she simply isn't fit to be a mother. Aurora discovers Hook beneath a pile of bodies, and he attempts to deceive the foursome by stating he survived Cora's attack on the camp by hiding under some dead bodies. Emma and her parents confronts Regina on her doorstep about what she did. After Hook dies, Emma sobs that being without him is not good enough for her. After finishing the net, they lure a Lost Boy, Devin, into falling into the trap. Later, Merlin confirms to Emma that he can remove her darkness, but she must be open and willing for it to work, which includes actually wanting to let go of the darkness. He presents the possibility that Henry's need for his father will cause him to run away to New York. After they all meet up at the library, Regina reveals Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change things so the villains win and heroes lose, and they want her to steal something for the mission. Even so, Henry is unwilling since Regina will be left behind. Hook decides he is staying in the Underworld after Hades' defeat, to which Emma gives up on trying to persuade him that she forgives him, and for his own closure, he needs to forgive himself. Inside the lobby, Emma is able to spot a room number407which has no name listed. Her parents are appalled by this, but Emma reassures them that she is just trying to understand where Hook is coming from. ("The New Neverland"), Mr. Gold shares with everyone of the only viable way to stop Pan's curse is for Regina, as the original caster of the Dark Curse, to undo it by destroying the scroll, though there will be a steep price for this. Though Emma believes her, she has to do her job or face the wraith of Regina. Regina, citing that Emma has more experience in the Land Without Magic, convinces her to come along so both their missions can be fulfilled. After some snooping, Emma questions Mary Margaret Blanchard, Henry's teacher, because he previously used her credit card to make a payment on a birth mother tracking site. With a feeling of deja vu, as the same thing happened to her the night she tried leaving Storybrooke for the first time, Emma wonders if fate is pointing her to something as she notices a sign for a diner. Emma finally allows herself to cry and dabs her tears on a napkin, which Gideon unknowingly keeps. To rescue Neal, each of them need to reveal one of their deepest, guarded secrets. Another child in the home, Kevin, grabs the camera and toys around with it as the device unknowingly begins recording them. Emma, who arrives home to an empty house, peers out the window before turning off the lights. Now hurry." Ruby was sitting with me she was on the phone with Granny. Henry thanks her, and leaves with Emma, David and Neal. After paying back Mary Margaret for bail, the schoolteacher counsels her against leaving town because she needs to protect Henry. At home, Emma sees Rumplestiltskin, who tells her that her weaknesses, such as her need to protect her loved ones, will always hold her back, as they did with all the other Dark Ones that came before her, but she can snuff out the light. While Hook gathers intel from Ursula, the others head to a cabin to rescue August. Henry correctly answers that it was at his castle playground when he understood why Emma gave him up at birth, which was to let him have the best chance in life. "But now it's just areminder that I have to protect those I love.". "Where were you I tried Ruby and I tried calling you so many times. This is Feeling small re-uploaded with some editing and a new name? They bring Mr. Gold up to the apartment room while Emma locks Hook in the storage room. Both of them revert to their old selves after losing their powers, and Hook dies shortly thereafter. After some amateur sleuthing in Regina's vault, Mr. Gold informs them of a spell called "the curse of the empty-hearted", that when cast on someone, has the ability to make the caster think the person loves him or her. They bond over having powers they can't control and figuring out who they are beyond their titles; Elsa as Queen and Emma as the savior. As the crowd applauds, a disappointed Henry realizes they are mistaking real magic for a street act. At the school grounds, his teacher, Mary Margaret, reveals that Henry thinks she is Snow White, which shocks Emma. Emma and Hook join him, and the entire party decide to regroup with David and Mary Margaret at Tinker Bell's treehouse afterwards. They spot the compass on a top of a golden bird cage, but before retrieving it, the giant storms in. More and more evidence builds against Mary Margaret, but Emma remains a staunch ally. Emma admits she is still unsure if she is the person she wants to be now, but knows her belief is enough to carve out her own destiny. The sheriff and the mayor are married and have embarked on a mdlg relationship. She hides dark coils of her magic inside the box containing the flame, which traps Zelena against a tree after the box is opened. I nodded my head and he began to ask. Regina promptly takes off, but Emma is dissuaded by Hook into not going after her. However, Emma confidently points out it's impossible as she built new curse to be unbreakable since there's no savior to undo it. There, she shoots a flying monkey to protect her son as David and Regina also step in to take out incoming monsters. However, the girl rushes out after nearly falling into a trap. It is a long story, but one that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Dr. Whales said. Henry wishes to know the day's events and after being filled in, he realizes the Frankenstein story is not a fairytale nor does it exist as in the storybook. She assures Henry shes fine, and the only reason she didnt arrive with Killian, was because she'd acquiesced to his desire for her to rest. Lily imagines the star makes herself special, and she then draws a matching one on Emma's wrist. After some playful banter, she pushes Hook into a long, passionate kiss, but pushes away stating it's a one time thing. Theres a baby on my porch.. A rainha captura Emma mas acaba cativada pela garotinha adorvel que encontra. Emma's hand tremor is triggered when she grows frightened of what will happen if their mission fails, but Hook calms her down by reminding her of the story of Snow White and Prince Charming, and how she was born from true love, the most powerful magic that enables her to do anything. David and Hook return, reporting that Little John turned into a flying monkey, as they conclude that the Wicked Witch of the West cast the new curse. Noticing ice tracks on the ground, she and Hook follow the trail to a warehouse. In the end, she grudgingly lets him leave and advises him to get a lawyer. Emma's secondary necklace, in the shape of a circle, was chosen specifically by Jennifer Morrison herself. ("Heart of Darkness"), That night, she walks into the sheriff department in an active conversation with Mr. Gold. I tried to push, but I was so exhausted. The goodbye is bittersweet and Emma is heartbroken to leave Henry, who opts to remain in the New Enchanted Forest in order to find his story and chase after his own love. In the aftermath, Emma proclaims to Gideon's parents that their son is irredeemable while Mr. Gold vows to take her out if she tries to kill Gideon. He reasons that she can't die since he owes her for helping him become the man he is, Emma stubbornly asserts the man she knew didn't care about revenge. Her parents race further ahead in the search for Regina while she and Neal walk the hallways. James bounced his arms lightly, rocking her. Enraged, Regina blasts fire at her, but ends up burning away the ribbons. In the woods, Graham tracks John Doe's trail until it goes cold. Frustrated, Regina insults Pinocchio for not trying harder as Emma diffuses the situation by taking the boy out of the room. Neal is put off by the thought as he spent his whole life running from that place. During a one-on-one fight between the two brothers, David tries to calm down James by insisting he wants to help him move on. With only one lead left, the Snow Queen's ice cream truck, to find, they split into a search party. In the morning, her car skids into an iced over road. Prologue of a series I've had in mind for awhile exploring how two people could possibly go from profound hate to equally profound friendship and love and how a family could be built on that foundation. Urged by Mary Margaret, Emma decides to find out for herself and Henry if Neal is alive. She's also half-sister of Henry Mills and Henry (Wish Relam), and granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Realizing the woman means to apprehend her, Emma flees to her car, only to find Cleo has already put a boot on the tire. Encouraged by Elsa, Emma talks to Regina again; admitting what occurred earlier wasn't to assuage guilt, but because she wants to be her friend. Instead, Henry seeks Emma's help to track down the horse, while she remains unaware he is deliberately distracting her, giving Regina and the others time to search her house. To fulfill this, she must take the ember by facing the first Dark One. Decidedly, he envisions himself, Emma and Neal having a castle, which she thinks is silly. The producers have stated that Emma represents color coming into the drained world of, Dons a necklace with a small swan engraving on it, which she fashioned out of a, The necklace is a Swan Talisman Necklace made by the. She then makes Emma promise to take her out if she ever becomes evil again, which Emma reluctantly agrees to do. At the mine site, Archie dives into the sinkhole before the entrance collapses. Emma Swan is a single mother and skilled ranch hand looking for work and a stable environment in which to raise her boy. Dark!Regina. Emma is 22 and pregnant. "Ok Emma, you're 9 centimeters one more and you are going to have to push." Emma muses over why he hasn't gone back to Pennsylvania. The three show up to a pumpkin farm, where Ashley has been stabbed by Lady Tremaine. By evening's end, Hook asks Emma out on another date, which she seals with a goodnight kiss. As Mr. Gold continues to demand answers, Neal bursts in to stop him. ("The Tower"), In a morning meeting at the closed diner, Emma and her allies discuss searching for Mr. Gold while Regina opts to search the farmhouse alone for evidence. On Mr. Gold's request, Emma gives chase. Emma discovers a knife hidden in the air vent, and confronts Mary Margaret over this, but she continues to claim innocence. Sometimes, Bilbo finds, not everything goes according to plan. ("Poor Unfortunate Soul"), At the apartment, while Emma and Regina are debating how they should proceed since finding out about the door illustration, Henry alerts them to August's depleting condition. Before leaving, Emma asks for Henry's trust until she can tell him everything. In actuality, the more Emma's belief in magic fades, the more rapidly that magical realms cease to exist. She asserts that Regina's pushiness is encouraging her to stay and ensure Henry is okay. From a puppy to a child, it was said. Emma is taken to a separate room filled with hats and commanded by Jefferson to make a hat so that he can go back to the Enchanted Forest. The two women have a physical altercation until Graham breaks it up. She goes back to check up on Neal and is surprised to hear Henry has agreed to move to New York. That night, Emma breaks into the courthouse to search for more files. A short time after this, Emma checks her device to track Regina's movements, which strangely isn't moving. She spots someone running away and apprehends the person under suspicion of murder. Suddenly, Greg's phone starts ringing. But what she didn't know was that Emma wasn't too far from the loft. Surprisingly, Henry was eavesdropping and excitedly thinks he and Emma are "back in business". In the mirror realm, they nearly gain Henry's attention when he hears them calling him, but the Queen draws him away before he realizes anything is wrong. "Emma , Regina hasn't exactly been.good to you , lately. She answers the door to see a strange man dressed in pirate clothes, and he claims to know her. Emma goes out in search of Mary Margaret and accidentally hits a man, Jefferson, on the road. Close to death, Mr. Gold speaks to Belle on the phone and hangs up abruptly. Once Emma, Mary Margaret and Regina get there, they are ensnared by tree vines. Since Anna fits the criteria, they use a locator spell on the necklace to track her, however, it leads them to a mine cave-in. [3], Unsure whether their child will be good or evil, Snow White and Prince Charming touch the horn of a unicorn to glimpse their baby's future. She would have given anything for the opportunity. However, when Emma reaches the elevator, Killian decides he won't be going with her because there's nothing else that can be done for him. Regina breaks herself and her allies out, tears out Henry's heart from Pan and steals back the box as well. They meet the Queen, who reveals her plan to keep Emma from intervening in Ashley's story, as all stories have bad endings once the savior is gone. At the station, Emma handles questioning after the Snow Queen upsets Elsa, who leaves. Since Kathryn's reappearance, Mary Margaret is relieved of any wrongdoing in the case. From David, Emma learns the Snow Queen is living under the name Sarah Fisher, but there are no records of her, which means she did not come to Storybrooke due to a curse. Choreographing a meeting between the future couple, Emma distracts past Hook while future Hook boards the Jolly Roger to convince Snow White to steal Prince Charming's ring from King Midas' castle. On his request, she magically separates him and Mr. Gold, and he begins to die. Everyone except Mr. Gold heads out, and with Granny's tracking skills, they are reunited with Henry. "Come on Emma. Suspecting Hook may have it, Emma orders a takeout from Granny's with a note asking him to meet her on his ship. As they pull up at the diner, a scream alerts them to trouble. After Hades removes David, Regina, Emma, Robin and Henry's names, Emma fails to split her heart with Hook because he has been dead for too long. Rather than waiting for his return, Emma and Regina use magic, causing an eclipse to cover the moon, and their shadows to stop reflecting. Emma and Elsa try to take down Ingrid, but their magic fails. Once inside, they reach a dead end and see a caged Neal on a separate strip of land. She lets him know her reasons for leaving town, that other people shouldn't be hurt in the tug-of-war with Regina, and the two have a farewell hug. She tells Hook about the manifestation of Rumplestiltskin, and to take her mind off of this, Hook takes her riding. Emma restores Hook's heart, followed by a passionate kiss, and later joins a sullen Regina at the counter for drinks. When Arthur and his men try to stop them, Regina distracts them with fireballs as Emma puts Henry's tear in the potion and channels her magic onto the Merlin tree, reverting the sorcerer to human form. Later, Hook returns to her, revealing Liam took the pages while under duress from Hades. So I did. After his death, she rejoins David to catch Zelena at the apartment, but she is already gone. She then drops her sword and allows herself to be stabbed by Gideon, causing a burst of light to emit from her abdomen, which defeats Gideon by reverting him back into an infant. He heeds that the map will only work when she stops denying her true self. Spotting a storm cellar, Emma prepares to break it open, but on Hook's advice, they decide to regroup with Regina first. Intending to come clean to her about David's father, Hook explains he needed it to give him courage since he's unsure how she will react in response to what he's about to say. Each contain happy memories both women have shared with Ingrid, who believes by returning them, they will love her. The interrogation stops only after Hook pulls the dagger out of Regina's hands, to which Emma snatches the dagger and ember, storming off into the woods. ", "Emma is in the hospital having the twins, so I don't really think she can. Emma begins marching off to fight Hades, believing he will kill again, but David persuades her to slow down because they haven't got a plan yet, and she hasn't dealt with her grief over Hook. SYSTEM!!!!! Emma presses Hook not to side with Cora, but he is embittered at her words. The appointment. The two reach the town square, where Emma reunites with her parents, Hook, Regina, and Zelena. I immediately sat her on the bed. Henry apologizes for causing her current dilemma because he brought her to Storybrooke and forced her to be a Savior. However, Emma's thoughts are still focused on only Henry, especially after the ordeal he went through in Neverland. When Emma sees Regina leaving the celebration early, she follows her outside. She tells him Neal has passed away while her parents say the same to Mr. Gold. Arthur comes to check on their progress, and from Mary Margaret's suggestion about finding a method to talk to Merlin, Regina pinpoints a toadstool called the Crimson Crown that can communicate through magical barriers. Emma, David, Mary Margaret, Ruby and Leroy go into a separate room to debate about the pros and cons of helping someone from outside of town. ("Quite a Common Fairy"), At the camp base, Emma elaborates on their strategy for entering Pan's headquarters from the back after Tinker Bell talks her way in through the front. Emma is almost sucked in, but Neal pulls her up. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, Killian was supposed to be with me, he was supposed to be the one holding my hand. Before she reaches the door, Elsa stops her. When Emma wakes up to the sound of soft cries one night and attempts to calm down their newborn daughter doubts start to rise in her once again and Regina tries her best to help and reassure her, knowing she has a hard time adjusting to the changes that come with a baby in the family. Leave you at the mine site, Archie dives into the Dark one the room the portal to decision. Graham tracks John Doe 's trail until it goes cold and is surprised to hear has... With Granny 's with a goodnight kiss Emma are `` back in business '' kicks him out window... T too far from the loft, you 're 9 centimeters one more and evidence..., David tries to calm down James by insisting he wants to help him move on Ashley has been by... Rainha captura Emma mas acaba cativada pela garotinha adorvel que encontra parents, Hook Emma... The person under suspicion of murder meet her on his request, Emma questioning! 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