Click on the "Contract" tab on Etherscan Click "Read Contract" Find the field that says "tokenURI" and open that Input the Serial Number or Token ID of the NFT you are trying to see the metadata/image on and click "Query" Copy the entire url provided and paste this into your search bar Leveraging the ERC721 standard to make your items instantly tradeable on OpenSea. Adding this modifier to your functions will make it so that only you (or the owner) will be able to call that function. 1,463 views Feb 3, 2022 37 Dislike Share Save Techmaker Studio 7.76K subscribers In this Etherscan Tutorial, we'll take a look at how the Etherscan API makes it easy for us to query the. ETH Price: . [Optional] Manually deploying a SeaDrop-compatible contract, 2. If you haven't already, go back to the previous step in this tutorial and follow along to set up and deploy your own NFT contract. A signature request means you're authorizing your wallet to take action, such as connecting to OpenSea's platform, or buying or selling an NFT. Can a VGA monitor be connected to parallel port? If you run the npx hardhat command, you'll notice that a new task -- verify is added to the task list. If you look at the asset page on OpenSea you'll see that the token ID is in the url and that the contract address in the Details section is OpenSea Shared Storefront (OPENSTORE): https . Does the double-slit experiment in itself imply 'spooky action at a distance'? Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? I came across this while looking at their reference code (which depends on a now 3-year-old MultiToken-Contract implementation and needs all in all some downgrades of Node and other tools in order . Discover more of Etherscan's tools and services in one place. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Note that in order to deploy with Truffle and Infura, you'll need a "seed phrase" from a MetaMask account that is funded with Ether. How do I apply a consistent wave pattern along a spiral curve in Geo-Nodes. This is where tools like Etherscan or come in handy, to be able to remove this approval for contracts to be able to approve transfers. But first, let's improve our developer quality of life by making it easy to read and call our smart contract by verifying it on Etherscan. On OpenSea, each user has a "proxy" account that they control, and is ultimately called by the exchange contracts to trade their items. Contract Internal Transactions View Blocks Forked Blocks (Reorgs) Uncles Top Accounts Verified Contracts Tokens. After deploying to the Rinkeby network, there will be a contract on Rinkeby that will be viewable on Rinkeby Etherscan. But, there is one specific problem with these platforms. You can view the repository in a complete state for part 2 on this dedicated branch on GitHub. On OpenSea, each user has a "proxy" account that they control, and is ultimately called by the marketplace contracts to trade their items. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. OpenSea: OPENSTORE Token | Address 0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e | Etherscan The Contract Address 0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e page allows users to view the source code, transactions, balances, and analytics for the contract address. Many projects like to charge a cost to mint from their contract. The full code for the sample can be found on Github. To mint tokens, call our new mint task: If you take that transaction hash over to Etherscan, you should see something like this: This transaction record shows us who called the contract function, what the outcome was (Tokens Transferred) and how much the transaction cost the caller in both gas fees and cost to transact. Explore a Contract Address on Etherscan Users can bring up any address page on Etherscan by searching for an address using the search bar that is present on every page of our website. The very last step is importing the new mint.js file to our hardhat.config.js configuration so that it is picked up by Hardhat: We are now ready to go! Now we can move on to new stuff: creating a mint task to actually call our smart contract! OpenSea Creatures are pretty basic: they each have a unique look, traits, and attributes. Last, lets slightly modify the hardhat.config.js configuration file to import our newly defined tasks. 8.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol"; contract NFT is ERC721 { using Counters for Counters. You can find the ABI in the build/contracts folder. This tutorial will walk you through the many different components of building, deploying, and selling a non-fungible contract on Ethereum's testnet that can be traded on OpenSea. They are mined by block producers for a fee called gas. ETH Price:$1,613.25(-.86%) Gas: 33Gwei Light Dark Site Settings Ethereum Mainnet There's a sample .env file here. MINT IS LIVE !! In order to get Ether into your Rinkeby MetaMask account, you can use the Rinkeby Ether faucet. If you stop here, you already have a deployed NFT contract that can be easily minted from yourself. Once again, OpenZeppelin has done a major service to the community by providing a mechanism for creating roles that are associated with contracts. Fortunately for us, we can write a script that utilizes ethers.js and Hardhat to mimic the same behavior programmatically. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. You can find the address of the deployed contract in the output of the deployment command and find it on Etherscan by hitting the URL: This will verify and publish your contract, and you can go to the Read Contract section of etherscan that it gives you.. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. (Note that this addition does not mean that OpenSea itself has access to the items, simply that the users can list them more easily if they wish to do so) Factory Contracts Latest 25 from a total of 1,736,877 transactions(> More than 25 Pending Txns), Latest 25 internal transactions (View All). However, it won't be very easy for your future collectors to discover and mint from this contract themselves. You can now browse over to that generated Etherscan link and view your code on the decentralized web! OpenSeaContract List. MINT IS LIVE Limited 909 supply First 101 are FREE / Rest cost 0.001ETH Reveal in 24 hours Mint here: Contract: https . A contract that adheres to the ERC721 standard can have extra functions for other stuff, but must have a standard set, which includes how to enumerate who owns what. Users can revoke wallet permissions by going to the Token Approval page on Etherscan, connecting their wallet, . If you followed this part of the tutorial right, your project should be structured like this: This is now a fully functioning NFT item minted to your wallet and ready to be used. The tutorial assumes you have some familiarity with coding, but are brand new to the world of Web3 and smart contracts. . PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? In order for this to work, we will need to do 2 more things: Adding a new environment variable setApprovalForAll is an important (and dangerous!) OpenSea Shared Storefront (OPENSTORE) Token Tracker on Etherscan shows the price of the Token $0.00, total supply 0, number of holders 675,230 and updated information of the token. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The getProvider() helper also lets us use other EVM networks (like Ethereum mainnet or Polygon) by optionally setting a NETWORK environment variable in .env. Open the Token Approval page. You'll need to sign up for an Etherscan account and create an API key, which you should then add to you .env file. Discover more of Etherscan's tools and services in one place. We've created a very simple starter repository to get you started. This is where tools like Etherscan or come in handy, to be able to remove this approval for contracts to be able to approve transfers. In this part of the tutorial, we will work on setting a maximum supply for the collection and adding a price to mint tokens from the contract. Environment Testnet Robsten contract: As the NFT market has continued to increase adoption, bad actors have also grown to prey on the developing market. EIP 2981 royalties standard for forward compatibility. Hold on to this address, since we will need to use it in the next part of this tutorial. We'll mint these assets into an account that we control so that we can test the OpenSea auction flow for our items. In the next part of the tutorial, we will go over assigning metadata to individual tokens as well as adding a flat price for minting from the contract. This is all thats needed! The Contract Address 0xE09d1F88b0cB9B4A33Cb7CDC734e5e6e810621a3 page allows users to view the source code, transactions, balances, and analytics for the contract . Custom sale contract selling your options, Existing Contract Integration with OpenSea (Mainnet), Polygon Basic Integration and Meta-transactions, Part 3: Setting up a Solana Node with QuickNode, Part 4: Minimal Configuration for Candy Machine V2, Part 6: Uploading and Creating Your Candy Machine, Part 8: Solana and OpenSea Metaplex Certified Collection Standard. Custom sale contract viewing your options, 4. You'll need to post a message to one of your social profiles and paste the link to your post in the test faucet. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. ERC 1155 with EIP 2981 royalties, OpenSea-specific additions, and token/edition hard caps Overview. so is it true we can no longer create our own contracts on OpenSea ?! The Ownership contract also exposes some useful helpers: renounceOwnership(), transferOwnership(), and isOwner(). 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This poses several dangerous security vulnerabilities, such as users other than yourself being able to withdraw funds from the smart contract. In both of these cases - the top on would I just set approval, then wait for the mint to be available, And in the bottom example if it says set approval then what would u do next if your goal is to mint or get acces to mint. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Note that this addition does not mean that OpenSea itself has access to the items, simply that the users can list them more easily if they wish to do so. Top Tokens (ERC-20) Token Transfers (ERC-20) The Contract Address 0x1e0049783f008a0085193e00003d00cd54003c71 page allows users to view the source code, transactions, balances, and analytics for the contract address. Updated 8 months ago I believe they have a perfect database. Contract Library Addresses for Etherscan verification Support Contracts erc721 Cainuriel May 6, 2021, 3:57pm #1 I am trying to insert the .sol file in the contract displayed in Robsten net. If your address is connected to any smart contract that allows them to spend on your behalf, the smart contracts will be listed according to the token standards of the token allowance (ERC-20, ERC-721 or ERC-1155). A contract address hosts a smart contract, which is a set of code stored on the blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. Other Features on Etherscan Apart from tracking transactions and gas price, there are many other features available on Etherscan. ETH Price:$1,622.26(-.73%) Gas: 16Gwei Light Dark Site Settings Latest 25 from a total of 571 transactions, Latest 25 internal transactions (View All). Locating the contract on Etherscan and then attaching it directly to the Smart Contract Verification tool. Make sure to use the "Vote Down" button for any spammy posts, and the "Vote Up" for interesting conversations. transaction for decentralized marketplaces to function. Early on a solution was proposed and is now a popular new standard. The Contract Address 0xa5409ec958c83c3f309868babaca7c86dcb077c1 page allows users to view the source code, transactions, balances, and analytics for the contract address. What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? You should set this contract address and the address of your MetaMask account as environment variables when running the minting script: At this point, we've deployed our first smart contract on the Rinkeby network and minted some new OpenSea creatures on our contract. Alternatively, if you sold an . ERC-20 Token Transfer might have Failed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. An address might own more ERC721s than are shown in their account on OpenSea. I am not exactly sure what is going on the backside. Transactions such as NFT sales can be viewed under the " Internal Txns " tab on an Etherscan/Polygonscan account page. The malicious wallet made its first transactions back in December, but reports of phishing activity only began yesterday. Next, define some common helpers that we can reuse in later pieces of code. Minting from your new contract and improvements, 3. 4. How is "He who Remains" different from "Kang the Conqueror"? Embedding your collection in your own site, 3. A lot of money has been lost by people sending tokens to a wrong smart contract. Trust Wallet HACK phrase 100000 $ How to migrate little rabbit from V1 to V2 for Trustwallet (Android and IOS) 43 Contract Addresses for free Trust Wallet Airdrops; Trust wallet hack!! Get your 7 BTC welcome package to enjoy the world of gambling, which is FULLY ANONYMOUS, providing you with the best games and high odds. Oct 7, 2021 160 Dislike Share Save NFTCulture 7.84K subscribers Revealing your NFT Metadata on Etherscan before it reveals on OpenSea. Note that we also need to export this new helper as part of module.exports in Lines 34 - 39. Making your contract Ownable exposes a few new functions as well as a new modifier: onlyOwner. This is to ensure that the contract code is exactly. Other than quotes and umlaut, does " mean anything special? These two functions are now protected against non-owners calling them. Finding a smart contract. On OpenSea, each user has a "proxy" account that they control, and is ultimately called by the exchange contracts to trade their items. In order to obtain your "seed phrase" from Metamask click "settings" and click "reveal seed words". The Contract Address 0x65715fe0eaad2260fab4823995657e9593aa8f75 page allows users to view the source code, transactions, balances, and analytics for the contract . Consequently, various platforms like OpenSea and Solana have emerged to facilitate this growing community. Get up to 30 ETH Bonus and 10 free spins.1,000+ Casino Games & 40,000 Sports! Press Connect to Web3 to connect your wallet. Connecting wallet for read function is optional, useful if you want to call certain functions or simply use your wallet's node. 1,000+ Casino Games & 40,000 Sports! #freemint is live freemint 2 per wallet, all holders can claim $bean3 Official website: Contract: . We can now run our new tasks using the Hardhat CLI to quickly repeat common actions: Note: you might get a message from ethers.js that you are being throttled by Alchemy. Exchange between any crypto or fiat, effortless and instant, 0xcc3f0b1a3043be06ebf8bfd595cb24e27441d0eb1cebc2da635966e20d0ac5a7, 0xb387cc66173783ef9faef775d4b7eaaff3fdd47e765239d5ffb7633ec0be665b, 0x4f5eae3d221fe4a572d722a57c2fbfd252139e7580b7959d93eb2a8b05b666f6, 0x09009a86090a1429b728060fc04db57a96eb59f1d612067b4f419d821ae6dd14, 0xd3d4aec88ee9feedd880eca79642b0a1ecf1a678f1e89b07c760c1a667b7206c, 0x61a0c277bc6e6626aa7e3db788f552431c5b41969c4791e9f831abbcc50b5dcf, 0x241fee984b2dcc99c8625bf996f093d4736040136d8513c641e276dd22d955ae, 0xadc7728fd231c4d6118ca2409d4fceef5be4028ef9049b0dffc2ae9c326e9f00, 0x6125ab2eb204d5be1493834f26cc12c28183c972e501ae1503211343e161a22c, 0x2aa92336e0405fdbd1baff241f52a37baea8a5da76f4b43f99fe6a19836d82a6, 0x4592cd5f597c70b1b78c61b340496a72aab56e8b845feaaaeb749f677c64f5f7, 0xae08776ef1745351cd53726226d5dcf682e5a13beee783fd145dae259b79310d, 0x21c012c564b6ba8d8b67ba94e286e6c249750cb4a8ac47e876c7a59875cc65ec, 0x56568917ffd09132b84217162bceb797628ade921fac8d8888341a8ab67b85df, 0xa8927175662721ad312129df294ef0ccc49fee0cff5c192b761d9b759714bbe5, 0x7c497db68f87f49c9fdfc830a44a8b11b6fbfeb3642cdb13b607d395328ba5df, 0x53e7c910e1eb0ec27c20cbd09f0c1b98d3f19ace87f32eb7538cd19de90b93d4, 0xc4ce279ec66ba184e5a1924673879f1b764446820b2777fe7eb714c5de32a318, 0x7a066a78756c2cc976f1952367fdd73abc2c55e98fa8f79cadf3472ca31963e3, 0xae93d2d9e370cbe6b8e274c4321c5ca57754559b5a33dc6d201a8573b359364d, 0x8570133ea76f75b84f5f4493da9ba90e8ed312f11ab03dfef8bccda87df88d59, 0x92a0c9baa4d0012da5fb3e22f0231f8a42dc4dd02fcab6bc4bee0fa355e4de40, 0x22c9c72a4f4446f40cfb31bd7706a9b7dd7307b08d001cd20080435cec481dfe, 0xe196ae0dd14c162defc773e5fa8deb1f52b86e3c567b7d0401a7fd6c318c892b, 0x146825dce8cc1bd4c80281071239912edd13a3aed7e419ca85f51c5a57dc1e43, 0xd8e00a4ae395c0c4376134fe31ef7b0459e0f1c31ec8d02be6964cd441c4b06c, 0x999be729b0b43a75f1bf291b164044dee075df940995d7faa8565abec4fed0ba. 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