ball tearer = Something that is really good, that was a real ball tearer of a game. spat the dummy = To have a tantrum, get angry, be of bad temper; e.g. Do you want eggs and toast? he did him over. bugger all = Very little or nothing, e.g. smoko - cigarette break. A relic left from prior events, typically unpleasant. He was stoked when he won the raffle. Meaning: (Noun) Runners are Australian slang for sneakers or trainers since these shoes are made for running. Does anyone want a cheeseburger?. Thongs are slang for a pair of flip-flops. Barra = Abbreviation of barramundi (a type of fish). Singular: cocky. posted by 4ster at 7:37 AM on July 19, 2006. Hes got hollow legs. CJ. What if I told, Read More Melbourne Break Room: smashing good funContinue. Hangover Sentence Examples Cockney rhyming slang, more than Australian? Winfield Blue cigarettes), swears a lot, drinks beer a lot, and has a mullet haircut. Thats fair dinkum. Chips can refer to either hot chips (fries) or crisps. dont get your knickers in a knot = Dont get upset. Example: Can we bring a slab to the fish and chip shops were heading to? Im flat out at work today. Means an older woman that isn't your mother. sook = [1] To sulk, e.g. 2. Old Bag. Meaning: (Noun) A drongo is another popular Australian slang that refers to a fool or a stupid person. Happy. Acca Dacca AC/DC, the rock band. opinions are like arseholes, everyones got one = A phrase used to denigrate someones opinion. noggin = Head, e.g. duck-shoving = To move things around, to jockey for position, or to evade responsibility. Did you see what that Channel 7 journo said on the news last night?. Example: Dont forget to go to the store in the arvo. See: IAC list on Trove. booze artist = Someone who drinks a lot of alcoholic drinks, especially beer. About east. Thats right: Australians. P. R. Stephensen = word for Englishman; supposedly comes from Pomegranate, which was the color they turned in the sun in Australia. Fair suck of the sav, give him a chance. arced up = A reference to someone being angry or upset, e.g. cactus = To die; stop working, e.g. Please note that some of the slang words or phrases herein may be regarded as offensive, whether thought of as swearing, sexist, or racist. Crow-eater = Someone from South Australia. Crook comes from the old English verb for bend or hook, so basically when youre feeling crook youre feeling bent out of shape. Meaning: (Noun) Large amounts of objects that are piled together are called heaps. This word is one of the Australian slang words that is also used around the world and has the same meaning. Would be another way to choose destination routes. Singular: Skip. This means there are 19 expressions identified as Australian, plus the two rhyming slang expressions. Shes got a bun in the oven; the babys due in three months), although the latter phrase is apparently British in origin. bar hopping bending an elbow boozing catching a buzz day drinking drinking like a fish John OBrien (Patrick Joseph Hartigan) Heres a fun new word, Avanavo = Have an avo. Annoyed, not happy, angry. When you have a teapot on the outback over the fire, it is called a billy. Go on, give us a dink on your bike; also referred to as double-dinking. Thats bullshit, you filthy liar!, You reckon Fred Nerk is the best footballer ever? annoyed, irked. Have a geek at this!; not to be confused with the term geek referring to a studious person, bookworm, or nerd. It is not the first Australian slang word or saying to make it to the wider English vocabulary. Meaning: (Noun) A snag is Australian slang for sausage.. Thanx Goon. See: 1) Drop Bear, Scientific name: Thylarctos plummetus, The Australian Museum Linen and sheets. Click Go the Shears [traditional Australian song, 1890s] Wilkes A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, and found support for my contention in this part of his entry: That meal was bonzer. that car is useless, its shithouse. Im working on a farm, earning a crust, What do you do for a crust? (derives from the association of the term bread with money). fang it = To move quickly, especially to drive fast, e.g. Geez, fair suck of the sauce bottle, give me a go. To pronounce this properly, the words oo and roo should both rhyme with boo, do, or you. Ill do you!; also as do over, e.g. The, Read More Wine Not? Australia is a continent after all, so the slang can differ depending on where you are. wuss = Someone who is cowardly, usually referring to males. dob = To inform on, e.g. Rex Ingamells Wanna come watch the footy at me this weekend?. Auntie = A reference to the ABC (originally the Australian Broadcasting Commission, later renamed the Australian Broadcasting Corporation). You can borrow my hammer; but, remember, its a boomerang. smoko = Smoking break (by extension, it can refer to a tea break for non-smokers). I wish it meant something more interesting like that! A Bondi tram (Sydney)shoot through like a Bondi tram = To depart very quickly, to move fast, e.g. The scenery. (Black Puffer Jackets) A lot of snow about. Shes a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting (CWA refers to the Country Womens Association). = A question asking as to someones state of wellbeing, meaning How are you going? or How are you today?, Howzit goin? Theres much to do! Meaning: (Expression) Gday is one of the Australian slang words used by everyone because it is a shortened version of Good Day! This word is pronounced by eliminating the letters o-o-d in good, making the phrase a single word. Bondi tram = To depart very quickly, to move fast. cuppa = A cup of tea, or a cup of coffee, e.g. Can also be used when talking to any younger person (even an adult) in a parental or negative fashion, e.g. Someone stole his bike and he chucked a wobbly. That blokes a bit strange; hes a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Meaning: (Expression) The term No wuckas is Aussie slang for no worries.. bum steer = Given the wrong information, received the wrong directions, misled. all over bar the shouting = A reference to something which is not yet finished, but where the outcome is certain. Example: Move your lappy somewhere else. pissed = [2] An abbreviation of pissed off, i.e. Chappelli = Ian Chappell, cricketer (Test captain of the Australian cricket team 1971 to 1975); the nickname came from the way his name was displayed on cricket score boards, as Chappell, I, which distinguished him from his brother, Greg Chappell (Chappell, G), who played on the same team. Similar to faffing around. You can now say youre doing for a smoko if youre taking around a 10-15 minute break from work. beyond the Black Stump = Somewhere that is far away from civilisation. A list of significant Australiana Get your laughing gear around that sanger. Aussies love hanging out in the arvo with a cold one. Strine = A name for Australian slang, or the way Australians speak. cant be arsed = Dont feel like doing something, not in the mood to do something, cant be bothered, e.g. A 375ml bottle of beer. To be angry about something. Shes been in bed with a wog (referring to someone being ill, but with a double entendre of being in bed with a person of Southern European or Mediterranean extraction). We find optimism and hope as we look to the future. best thing since sliced bread = Something that is very good, a great invention. The dinner was boring, so Steven decided to bail.. a reference to foreign countries). Required fields are marked *. Just my two cents . Balmain basket weavers = Inner-city trendies, or left-wingers; from the Sydney suburb of Balmain, once a poor suburb, but later populated by middle class trendies. Lucy Everett Homfray The place where Australians pick up their grog, piss, turps, coldies, frothies, stubbies, tinnies and slabs. Smoko - work break, even non-smokers have smoko, it just means stop to eat or have a coffee. Hello. Ive known him for yonks. Another boatload of refos landed on the north coast yesterday. = A question asking as to someones state of wellbeing, meaning How are you going? or How are you today?. Chrissy = Abbreviation of Christmas; can also be spelt as Chrissie. 4. An Australian slang term for a nosy or overly inquisitive person. Distinct from the word nanna, which means grandmother. This Aussie slang was derived from the word chaber, which is a Yiddish word for comrade.. Football. Literature, legends, and larrikins. When I was just in Australia I could never understand what people meant by avro. Basically a child who is so little they can only reach an adult's ankles. When you hear a local say barbie, it means barbecue. great grey migration, the = When, in the winter season, thousands of retired Australians (grey hairs) from the southern states travel to Queensland for a holiday. fossick = Look for something. Anzac = Originally a reference to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), it also refers to the members thereof, and is sometimes applied to Australian men in a stereotypical sense (rugged, tough, etc.). Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). Thongs is another one that got me some weird looks. Like, point Percy at the porcelain? (Barry McKenzie, played by Barry Crocker, in the 1972 movie The Adventures of Barry McKenzie). Meaning: (Expression) One of the most popular Australian slang words today is Gnarly which has a silent G. Gnarly means awesome and is used when a person agrees or expresses delight. bomb = A no-good car, of bad appearance, or poor mechanical worth, e.g. A chicken. They wear, When you are mad at someone or something, youre. bush tucker = Food found out in the bush, growing wild; exemplified in the TV series Bush Tucker Man (which aired in the 1980s and 1990s, starring Les Hiddins). he smoked his durry outside, hurry for your durry. glassed = To smash someone (usually in the face) with a glass, commonly in a pub fight, e.g. Gods own country = A reference to Australia, or parts thereof, as a paradise on earth. Derived from the Froot Loops, a breakfast cereal brand that is a mixture of crazy different colors. Derived from beautiful. Derived from knackers, a slang term for castanets. Were working flat chat to get it done on time, He drove flat chat to get to the game on time. as used in the song I come from a land down under. Australia for the Australians! [The Bulletin, 2 July 1887]Australia for the Australians = A nationalist catch phrase, demanding sovereignty for the native Australians (the Australian-born). Meaning: (Adverb) One of the most common Australian slang words used today is defo. Not Brian (from an Aussie) Also it's all over the SHOP not show. Taken from the rhyming slang apples and spice for nice. crook = [1] Ill, sick, unwell, e.g. Woop Woop = Somewhere very far away. Of all the English-speaking countries, Australian slang words are probably the most interesting. Macca's. Macca's is the abbreviated version of McDonald's. To an Australian, pronouncing 3 syllables is too much effort. Except theyre not called shrimp here, theyre prawns. Trying to. piss = Beer. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Did you see what that Channel 7 journo said on the news last night?, McDonalds. Similar to no worries. That expression, maybe only in Sydney, was Shot through like a Bondi tram,. chewy on your boot = A derogatory phrase called out at AFL matches (the imputation being that the caller hopes that the footballer has chewing gum stuck on his boot, so that he cant kick the ball properly). Chuck a sickie - Pretend you're sick to get a day off work. [See the entry: shoot through like a Bondi tram.]. Put it inside now. Grommet: young surfer 9. Arvo (slang for 'afternoon') Aussie Nicknames for Dads and Caregivers Regardless of whether you want a classic nickname or a unique nickname for the big guy in your life, the right nickname for him is, indeed, out there. Johno = John. Yes, the animal. Excuse me, digger, how do I get to the next town? Derived from World War One army slang, when the soldiers referred to each other as digger. To be pooped. stone the crows = A phrase used when surprised, e.g. Musician, singer, instrumentalist or sound engineer. Cooler. fair dinkum = Genuine, authentic, on the level, e.g. Well, neither my husband nor I are Queenslanders, in fact, hes a born and bred Melburnian. Sausage. That chicken was shithouse. Extremely busy. A swimming costume. When something is considered easy, its a piece of piss. Take the Aussie Slang Quiz! Its one of the most well-known Australian slang phrases. Shes such a great woman, her bloods worth bottling; hence the term bottler. Put simply, it means hello and is short for good day. bizzo, ambo), and then original Aussie slang phrases. Similar to giving someone the boot, or giving someone the flick. Thats fair dinkum. You know, go where the big knobs hang out. She was spewing because shed left her phone at work., Not what you think it means rather, its someone you find attractive. he went berko when he was told he was sacked. "That goes together like menudo and a crudo." posted by M.C. Also rendered as parmi or parmo. To speed with enthusiasm, particularly around corners. Find another word for hangover. decko = To look, e.g. Not at all a nice nickname for someone on welfare. [See the entry: youve got two chances.]. I havent got a brass razoo, This isnt worth a brass razoo (although they never existed as such, some brass razoos were manufactured at one stage as a novelty item, based upon the saying). couldnt organise a root in a brothel = Referring to someone who is incompetent. Used in lieu of a persons name. Yeah? (my emphases). Excellent. bloody ripper = A reference to something that is really good. Geez, hes really having a good whinge, isnt he? Sometimes whingers may be asked Would you like some cheese with your whine?, whinger = Someone who excessively complains, moans, whines, or whinges. Aussie Cossie = Swimwear; Speedos (Speedos are an Aussie cossie, as they are regarded as good Australian-designed bathers, i.e. When youre feeling crook, youre either feeling unwell or angry. The phrase within coo-ee denotes a manageable distance, whereas not within coo-ee denotes somewhere far away. That new pub looks alright, I think Ill sus it out. Freedom on the Wallaby [poem by Henry Lawson, 16 May 1891] This word is one of the most common Australian slang words used as an insult. This Australian slang phrase is pretty much our national catchphrase. FIFO = [1] Acronym for Fit In or Fuck Off. That dinner you made was grouse, Louise.. Note that in Adelaide it's only a 285ml glass. [See the entry: Bandywallop.]. Hes a dinky-di Australian; similar to true blue. This has led to the popular backyard game of goon of fortune, where the bag is removed from the box and pinned to the clothes line. ambos = Ambulance medics. dillybag = A small bag, from the Aboriginal term for a bag or basket. Dont lick your fingers. crook = [2] To attack or abuse, to go crook at someone, e.g. [See the entry: Buckleys chance. it ould also be a foldable bed. 3. There are 1103 other synonyms or words related to hangover listed above. A person who is mischievous or unsophisticated, however has a good heart and is well liked. If you do not wish to be offended, then please do not read any further. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. bikkies = Biscuits (cookies in American terminology); can also be spelt as bickies. Meaning: (Noun) A booze bus is a police vehicle that chases after drunk drivers for violating traffic laws. buggered = [1] Broken down, not working, e.g. The bulge in the lycra briefs' forward-facing extremity resembles . Not the most romantic term, however. Australia Day is a day to reflect, respect and celebrate the Australian spirit and the best of this country - our mateship, our sense of community and our . Perfect for pegging up your goonbag. Have a bo peep at that over there. He bailed on your birthday party last year too. Also abbreviated as Gropers. in the nuddy - naked. Discover things to do in Bendigo and where to eat, drink and stay. They look good on you. Youve got Buckleys chance of winning Tattslotto. Our pipes [short story by Henry Lawson] Relatively often rendered as You little ripper! (during the 1980s it was commonly used in the phrase Ripper, Rita!, which was used in a television advertisement). Ditch, the = The Tasman Sea, as the ditch between Australia and New Zealand; sometimes pronounced as the dutch, as a reference to the New Zealand style of pronouncing vowels. clucky = Refers to a woman who is showing interest in babies, or in having a baby, from the clucking of a mother hen over her chicks. I mentioned this in passing amongst some American friends. if someones car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they might exclaim Bugger! The term is used in the same way as Damn! Overseas visitors should take note that the term bugger is distinct from the original meaning of the terms bugger and buggery, regarding anal intercourse. Similar to the phrase Dont get your panties in a twist. Example: I need a new pair of runners. like a house on fire = People who get on well together, e.g. Example: My truck is rooted just up the road when I took a U-turn. Derived from the large apple-growing industry in Tasmania. divvy = Divide, e.g. stubbie = A short bottle of beer (also spelt stubby). However, it should be noted that give it a burl, Shirl is a later variation (rather than a correction), as the phrase give it a burl dates back to at least 1911, as can be seen in the following list:, Its quite possible that the Shirl variation is connected with Shirley Strachan. C. J. Dennis Dont ask him to play, hes a bit of a sook. The term contains an implied insult, by being a reference to the time when Tasmania was known as Van Diemens Land, when it was still taking in convicts from Britain (the island, discovered by the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, was originally named after Anthony van Diemen). Example: Lets watch footy later. Literally, "There are two heads on me." [See the entry: havent got a brass razoo.]. Used in the term Aussie battler. Signing in from Tassie. Meaning: (Verb) The word bail means to leave without notice or to cancel plans the last minute. Aussie salute - brushing away flies with your hand. Ever wanted to increase your Aussie slang from just 'shrimp on the barbie? aerial ping-pong = Australian Rules Football; a reference to the high kicks and leaps (such as in marking the ball). Thanks for my pint of beer. Too easy, mate.. Stubby - bottle of beer, usually 375 ml. Australian slang posted by Zozo at 7:46 AM on July 19, 2006. Go on, get outta here. Another way of saying too right?. Little Johnny (John Howard)Little Johnny = John Howard (Prime Minister of Australia, 1996-2007), who was tagged in the media as little Johnny Howard (although at 59, or 175cm, he was about average height; Howard was taller than Prime Minister Bob Hawke, who never received the somewhat derogatory nickname of little, even though Hawke stood at 57, or 170cm). galah = Someone who is regarded as a fool or an idiot; e.g. Get it done on time the bulge in the same way as Damn bit strange ; hes a few short..., later renamed the Australian slang word or saying to make it to the future wellbeing meaning! As we look to the phrase ripper, Rita!, which was the color turned... Lawson ] Relatively often rendered as you little ripper Broken down, what. Have a coffee different colors bread with money ) stubby ) = word for comrade.. Football do not to. From civilisation since these shoes are made for running adult 's ankles manageable distance, not! 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