A live human cell vibrates at approximately 103 Hertz. Find a job. Rather, atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids which orbit at extraordinarily high speeds. The experience would vary with the individual. Since the Theta level is associated with sleep, the subject concerned may progress from a fully awake to a sleep state (provided that he does not consciously resist) as the brain strives to entrain its wave frequency output with the one which the person hears. Use any standard quality stereo equipment with Fundamentally, in terms of practical application it is a healing technique which is designed to restore the body and to enhance its physical capabilities by balancing, revitalizing and retuning bodily energy flows. Having ascertained that human consciousness is able to separate from physical reality and interact with other intelligences in other dimensions within the universe, and that it is both eternal and destined for ultimate return to the Absolute we are faced with the question: So what happens then? Since memory is a function of consciousness and therefore enjoys the same eternal character as the consciousness which accounts for its existence it must be admitted that when consciousness returns to the Absolute it brings with it all the memories it has accumulated through experience in reality. in other words, the signal from the movement ofour bodies will travel around the world in about one seventh of a secondthrough the electrostatic field in which we are imbedded. In the process, the participant visualizes various streams of colored energy flowing out of the tool into the organ system or area upon which the revitalizing or healing application is being made. I have cited this quotation because it shows that the concept of the universe which at least some physicists are now coming to accept is identical in its essential aspects with the one known to the learned elite in selected civilizations and cultures of high attainment in the ancient world. My father inspired me, he taught me not to compare myself to a man, that I have the ability to do anything not because of my gender but because I can. However, in order for energy to be in motion it must first be limited in some way within the confines of some sort of vibratory pattern so that its confinement gives it the capacity for being contained at a specific location which is distinguishable from other locations (space). Receive emails about upcoming retreats and online courses, new articles and other important Monroe news. The Gateway Experience, then, becomes a toll for harnessing this latent power within us. In this technique, intense and protracted single minded concentration on the process of drawing energy up the spinal cord ultimately results in what appears to be creation of acoustical standing waves in the cerebral ventricles which are then conducted to the gray matter in the cerebral cortex on the right side of the brain. Intuitional insights of not only personal but of a practical and professional nature would seem to be within bounds of reasonable expectations. The room you stay in has a bed/booth with headphones and you listen to the frequencies. All of the movements of the energies which comprise the universe leave their mark and hence tell their story throughout time. As biologist Lyall Watson explains: The purest kind of light available to us is that produced by a laser, whichsends out a beam in which all the waves are of one frequency, like those madeby an ideal pebble in a perfect pond. Unlike yoga and other forms of eastern mental discipline, Gateway does not require the infinite patience and total personal subservience to and faith in a system of discipline designed to absorb all the individuals energies over most of a lifetime. Basicly at the Gateway Experience you do a number of sessions with the frequencies each day and share your experience with others in the workshop. the so called out-of-body state mentioned earlier). Indeed, if the term matter is taken to mean solid substance as opposed to energy which is understood to mean a force of some sort, then the use of the former is entirely misleading. Robert Monroe is probably best known for his work with out-of-body experiences, OBEs, which is well documented in his Trilogy. 5. probcupboards 2 yr. ago. This is page one of the declassified report dated 1983. This is so because in order to attain self-consciousness, the consciousness of the Absolute must project a hologram of itself and then perceive it. The views from the top are spectacular, well worth seeing. Archie Bunker meets the aliens. The room you stay in has a bed/booth with headphones and you listen to the frequencies. Whenever we perceive something, we always perceive differences only.. The Gateway Experience In-Home Training Series is dedicated to developing, exploring and applying expanded states of awareness. Noting that those galaxies located to the north of our own galaxy are moving away faster than those located to the south, and that those to the east and west are demonstrably more distant, Bentov regards this as substantive evidence that the jet of matter which expanded into our universe has turned back upon itself, eventually forming an ovoid or egg shape. Waves I - VII (each wave may be . We recently replaced the "manage gateway" experience with a new interface, making it easier to manage your gateways and data sources. This may well be a function of the fact that most if not all people reputedly go into an out-of-body state during REM sleep. In the settings you prefer. Answer (1 of 5): Hi Rodrigo, yes, I've used the Gateway home edition before I took the actual course (they give you a track after the course to practice at home as well). Since the Absolute is conscious energy in infinity (i.e. Working from the widely accepted Big Bang theory Bentov presents a conceptual model to depict the process of time-space evolution the relative position of the universal hologram. Monroe trainers caution against attempting to force the pace of this process because the individual could succeed in dislocating his existing reality with drastic consequences. Energy in this state of inactive infinity is termed by physicists as energy in its absolute state, or simply the Absolute. Between the Absolute and the material universe in which we experience our physical existence are various intervening dimensions to which human consciousness in altered states of being may gain access. Once an individual becomes proficient in the technique of out-of-body movement and then reaches the point where he is able to break out of time-space while out of his body, he gains the advantage of clicking out part of his enhanced consciousness while starting from a base located much closer to the dimensions with which he wishes to communicate. That's an area nearly twice the size of the island of Manhattan. Absolutely not. They also state that not only the individuals past history is available for examination by one who has achieved Focus 15 but other aspects of the past with which the individual himself has had no connection may also be accessed. Guvna B joined us for our first episode live from the IFS Cloud Cable Car. Einstein Against the odds: The Great Quantum Debate., Jager, Melissa. Even when the particles are halfway across the universe from each other, it says, they instantaneously respond to each others actions. Through the exercises you will begin to find where to find this power and how to begin using it. New York, Thames and Hudson Inc., 1980. Our mission is to empower people to engage with their health and wellbeing through our revolutionary Health-as-a-Service platform. When the concentrated effort begins to achieve success, the digital thermometer will register an increase in the temperature of the left leg. Finally, I again found it necessary to use physics to bring the whole phenomenon of out-of-body states into the language of physical science to remove the stigma of its occult connotations, and put it in a frame of reference suited to objective assessment. And, the eternal thought or concept of self which results from this self-consciousness serves the. en. It acts as a reverse proxy, routing requests from clients to services. Until we teach the horse whos boss, we will be thrown around a lot. It may amaze you! Marilyn Ferguson has written that the theories of Pribram and Bohm appear to account for all transcendental experience, paranormal events and even normal perceptual oddities She goes on to say of Pribram: Currently he is proposing a startling, all-encompassing model that isgenerating considerable excitement among those intrigued by the mysteries of human consciousness. We have noted that our minds constitute energy fields which interact with various aspects of this hologram to deduce information which is ultimately processed through the left hemisphere of our brains to reduce it to a form that we employ for the process we call thinking. Next, complete and submit your application. Approval of your application is required to attend. Secure Payments. The more compulsive, the more uptight the individual may be at the outset the more barriers he or she will initially encounter to achieving a deep or immediate experience, but as the insights begin to come and the blockages begin to dissolve, the way ahead becomes increasingly clear and the value of Gateway moves from the status of a matter of intellectual assessment to one of personal experience. The result is a regular, rhythmic sinewave pattern of sound which echoes throughout the body and rises up into the head in sustained resonance. Gateway participants often report intuitive perceptions of sudden comprehension, a knowing, a gestalt. You can listen to them as many times as you want and advance at your own pace. This focusing of energy is not unlike the yoga concept of one pointedness, which we may translate in western terms as a single-mindedness., Dr. Twemlow goes on to observe that as the individual gets into the tapes beyond Focus 3, there is a gradual increase in brainwave size which is a measure of brain energy or power.. This is a new project. Edith what are they doing now jeez!!! On the other hand, transcendental meditation works in a distinctly different fashion. Be intellectually prepared to react to possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded. The classic description of the universal hologram is to be found in a Hindu sutra which says: In the heaven of Indra there is said to be a network of pearls so arranged that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it.. I am also a part-time ethical hacker specialised in web penetration. To explain how and why human consciousness can be brought to transcend the limitations of time-space is the next task which must be addressed. At that point, the subject can mentally (left brain) associate the sensations experienced with the result achieved and can begin to emphasize, by memory recall, the same process to cause its strengthening by affirmation and repetition. However, in the intermediate dimensions beyond time-space the limitations imposed on energy to put it into a state of oscillating motion are not uniform as they are in our physical universe. The process is sometimes long because there is often a lot of emotional stuff we have to go through to still our minds enough to find the focus. But even more important, access is opened to both the past and the future when the dimension of current time-space is left behind. To do this we must first appreciate what time and space are in order to understand how the dimension that they constitute can be transcended. According to Bentov, this change in resonance results from elimination of what the medical profession calls the bifurcation echo so that the sound of the heartbeat can move synchronously up and down the circulatory system in harmonious resonance approximately seven times a second. 6 tracks (212:25). Theoretically, human consciousness may continue to expand the horizons of its perceptual capability until it reaches the dimension of the Absolute at which point perception stops because the-Absolute generates no holograms of or about itself. As I have not submitted a tax return with trading profits for 2022-23 any figures shown for 2022-23 are wrong. Listen free to The Monroe Institute - The Gateway Experience Series: Wave I: Discovery (Orientation, Introduction to Focus 10 and more). The GGW version is. Customers get a faster, more secure, and easier-to-use checkout process. He was transparent about business, he never shunned from business conversations, he encouraged me to challenge him but allowed me to teach him what I thought, and he listened, so empowering to be . Although Hemi-Sync seems to be rather rare and of only short duration in ordinary human consciousness, Melissa Jager states that: Audio techniques developed by Bob Monroe can induce and sustain Hemi-Sync with the Institutes basic Focus 3 tapes. She also notes that: Studies conducted by Elmer and Alyce Greene at the Menninger Foundation have shown that a subject with 20 years of training in Zen meditation could consistently establish Hemi-Sync at will, sustaining it for over 15 minutes.. In 1996 I again started to research Monroe and found then that there was actually a place where one could take a program that explained more of what he had described earlier. The speed of tachyons starts just above the speed of light and ranges all the way to infinite velocities.. The specific techniques involved are described individually below. Indeed, the speed with which an individual may expect to progress seems less a function of the number of hours spent practicing than it is a question of the speed with which he or she is able to use the insights gained to release anxieties and stresses within both the mind and the body. I indicate that at times these related techniques may provide useful entry points to accelerate movement into the Gateway Experience. I had to be able to construct a scientifically valid and reasonably lucid model of how consciousness functions under the influence of the brain hemisphere synchronization technique employed by Gateway. I began the narrative by briefly profiling the fundamental, biomedical factors affecting such related techniques as hypnosis, biofeedback, and transcendental meditation so that their objectives and mode of functioning could be compared in the readers mind with the Gateway experience as the model of its underlying mechanics was developed. Although, the Hemisynch is not as powerful as the one they use in the course, it was still very go. yeah ik but nothing in the guide says how often, just how many times :/. It is easiest to effectively describe what Gateway is by beginning with a short description of those associated techniques that share some common aspects with the Gateway Experience but which are nevertheless different. Standup comics tell their BEST jokes then they go to an undisclosed location to get WAY TOO HIGH then come back to attempt to tell you more! To return to our case in point, the human consciousness wave pattern reaches such high frequency that the pattern of clickouts comes so close together that there is virtual continuity in it. Frequently the response comes in the form of a sudden, holistic perception in which the individual suddenly finds that he simply knows the answer in all of its ramifications and completely in context, sometimes without even being able to put his newly found perception into words, at least initially. The energy involved in this flow then proceeds up through the body and back out into the balloon pattern again. Bentov describes the roll played by the bifurcation echo as follows: When the left ventricle of the heart ejects blood, the aorta, being elastic,balloons out just beyond the valve and causes a pressure pulse to travel down along the aorta. Once this was done, the next step involved recourse to theoretical physics in order to explain the character of the time-space dimension and the means by which expanded human consciousness transcends it in achieving Gateways objectives. Bentovs biomedical model shows that this resonance is of considerable importance since it is directly transmitted to and impacts upon the brain. Gateway Experience Section Editor. saved you the trouble. Finally, when you arrive back at Gateway, you get a commanding view of the resort and The Palisade, which dominates the view of the resort, towering above the valley. Tart, Charles T. Altered States of Consciousness. If care is taken to insure that the three all go out-of-body together, in the same environment, their consciousness energy systems should resonate in sympathetic oscillation. RT @quill_co: "Huh! Once you've purchaseyour GEonline course, you'll receive instructions for completing your program application, creating your Moodle account and the program schedule. If you enjoyed this post and want to see more, tap that clap . It was founded by Robert Monroe who in 1958, began having experiences that changed his life. The purpose of this post is to improve the formatting and readability of the FOIA document to further the conversation around this topic. For example, if the subject wishes to increase the circulation in the left leg in order to speed up healing he may concentrate with his left brain on achieving that result while carefully monitoring a digital thermometer connected to the left leg. Purce, Jill. Through online discussion and shared experience, you will be part of a collaborative learning community. It is this cause which accounts for the cross-communication at what in terms of time-space velocities, would seem to involve speeds in excess of light. In this way we can develop a frame of reference at the outset which will provide useful concepts to explain and understand Gateway by comparison, as we proceed. The three primary purposes of the RD Gateway, in the order of the connection sequence, are: Establish an encrypted SSL tunnel between the end-user's device and the RD Gateway Server: In order to connect through any RD Gateway server, the RD Gateway server must have a certificate installed that the end-user's device recognizes. Analogies have been made to riding a wild horse. Moreover, once the individual is able to project his consciousness beyond time-space, that consciousness would logically tend to entrain its frequency output with the new energy environment to which it is exposed, therein greatly enhancing the extent to which the individuals altered consciousness may be further modified to achieve a much heightened point of focus and a much refined oscillating pattern. Fascinating hearing about why the monument was built, how it was built and the engineering feet involved. Unpredictably, and without willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to . the created world) as being an emanation of an omnipotent and omniscient divinity who is completely unknowable in his primary state of being. Read a more complete summary on Monroe Institute CDs and Programs. Navigate to powerbi.com Once the participant has achieved this state of greatly expanded awareness, he is ready to begin employing a series of specific techniques or tools as the Monroe Institute characterizes them which enable him to manipulate his newly found expanded awareness to obtain practical, useful feedback of value for promoting self-discovery and personal growth. E. Then repeat steps A and B following use of the autohypnotic suggestionthat an out-of-body movement will occur and be remembered. In the settings you prefer. The effect of this is to put the body in a state of complete stillness so far as the skeletal muscle structure is concerned, thereby further promoting the state of deep rest needed to eliminate the bifurcation echo. You will also learn that there is no reason to fear this process everyone comes back. As energy passes through various aspects of the universal hologram and is perceived by the electrostatic fields which comprise the human mind, the holographic images being conveyed are projected upon those electrostatic fields of the mind and are perceived or understood to the extent that the electrostatic field is operating at a frequency and amplitude that can harmonize with and therefore read the energy carrier wave pattern passing through it. Discover the path to self-actualization by joining Monroe for your first experience. Thus, availing itself of the FFR phenomenon, and using the technique of beat frequencies, the Gateway system uses Hemi-Sync and other audio techniques employing the FFR phenomenon to introduce a variety of frequencies which are played at a virtually subliminal, marginally audible level. While . Typical American family the grandkids are like no; no dont tell me I dont need to know. The concept of the cosmic egg, for example, is well known to scholars familiar with the ancient writings of the eastern religions. It is the title we assigned to that vast pool of energy in a state of perfect rest over which the physical universe is layered, and from whence it comes. They can tune in to the same target on different planes (dimensions) with greater effectiveness. Ferguson, Marilyn. Except in unusual circumstances, it is probably not attainable except by those who have conditioned themselves through long application of meditation or by those who have practiced long and hard through use of the Hemi-Sync tapes for a period of months if not years. Then the ice is exposed to a powerful, coherent source of light, such as a laser. An entire molecule, composed of a number of atoms bound together in a single energy field vibrates in the range of 109 Hertz. Experience the power of audio support technology. C8|:'T6G1U}tY8~/xm?0{jnwLe1d4M%6y|O OOja4N!4w2m'=y|qWp0]W2qWAy1xum~pk(v5tQ3] #}7%%1_U_ :X7xQwe|QU2vh*kYv;N'N!qxRGL/DspGy'w9Q&UzDG{ E xt?;9k' zUZygz@q^FxC}\=ck{?F~Ax*aDA . This technique provides amplification for application of the energy bar tool as a means of healing specific areas or systems of the human body. Having reached Focus 10, the participant is now ready to endeavor to achieve a state of sufficiently expanded awareness to begin actually interacting with dimensions beyond those associated with his experience of physical reality. All of the preceding techniques are conducted at the level of expanded awareness known as Focus 12. As Marilyn Ferguson, editor of the Brain/Mind Bulletin tells us: Another feature of a hologram its efficiency. Niels Bohr, the renowned physicist once responded to his sons complaints about the obtuse nature of certain concepts in physics by saying: You are not thinking, you are merely being logical.. Melissa Jager uses a metaphor to help clarify the process involved in the use of Hemi-Sync in the Gateway Experience. Body: Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700270006- Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences PRESENTS THE GATEWAY PROGRAM In 1958, Robert Monroe, a New York broadcasting .xccuti.ve, began having experiences that drastically altered his life. Monroe, Robert A. Journeys Out of the Body. The Gateway Curriculum is comprised of five major courses, each . This seems to be a function of the fact that physical reality in the present is not the only holographic influence which the individual may encounter in an out-of-body state. National . Rather, it will begin to produce at least minimal results within a relatively short time such that enough feedback is available to motivate and energize the individual to continue working with it. approaching infinity) or coming out of rest. Indeed, it may even be postulated that some dreams associated with deep levels of sleep are in fact functions of the same kind of altered consciousness involved in interaction with the universe that plays a role in all of the Focus 12, 15 and 21 states described above. As the body is turned into a coherent oscillator vibrating in harmony with the surrounding electrostatic medium, the specific exercises included in the Gateway tapes enjoin the participant to build up the energy field surrounding his body, presumably by using energy from the earths field which the body is now entraining because of its ability to resonate with it. This technique involves identifying fundamental problems which the individual wishes to see solved, filling his expanded awareness with his perception of these problems and then projecting them out into the universe. Finally, as Melissa Jager writes, there is another potential problem area in the sense that holograms can be viewed . When the pressure pulse reaches the bifurcation in the lower abdomen (which is where the aorta forks in two to go into the legs), part of the pressure pulse rebounds and starts traveling up the aorta. The objective is to relax the left hemisphere of the brain, place the physical body in a virtual sleep state, and bring the left and right hemispheres into coherence under conditions designed to promote the production of ever higher amplitude and frequency of brainwave output. There's actually a lot behind this and they're really trying to cover this up and they can't really do do that anymore because it's all unwinding in front of them. It would make a good sitcom. By reflecting on this model, it becomes possible to see, how human consciousness brought to a sufficiently altered (focused) state could obtain information concerning the past, present, and future since they all exist in the universal hologram simultaneously (In the case of the future because all of the consequences of the past and present can be seen coming together in the hologram such that the future can be predicted or seen with total accuracy). Once all of this is achieved, the participant is invited to envisage creation of an energy balloon comprised of an energy flow beginning at the center of the top of the head and extending down in all directions to the feet. TMI is arguably the most renowned institute for consciousness studies, and has been assisting people in tapping into the powers of consciousness since 1971. Then I found it necessary to delve into various sources for information concerning quantum mechanics in order to be able to describe the nature and functioning of human consciousness. In order to describe the Monroe Institute technique for achieving altered states of consciousness (the . At 70 degrees fahrenheit an atom oscillates at the rate of 1015 Hertz. 1) He begins with hypnosis. They induce altered experiences and the experience varies with the individual. It may be helpful at this point to pause and recap the major aspects of our intellectual journey from time-space to the realm of the Absolute. His holographic model marries brain research totheoretical physics; it accounts for normal perception and simultaneouslytakes the paranormal and transcendental experiences out of the supernatural by explaining them as a part of nature. It is not a form of psychotherapy, philosophy, religion, or medical diagnosis/ treatment. Stone, Pat. Please comment if you have any feedback, references, or recommendations. It accounts for the organization of the energy patterns which constitute our physical body but is distinctly separate from and superior to it. As the stream of matter moves around the ovoid towards its destination at the black hole where it will be reabsorbed into the radiating nucleus and then the Absolute, it generates the interference pattern within the cosmic egg which constitutes the universal hologram or Torus. The so called states of matter are actually variances in the state of energy, and human consciousness is a function of the interaction of energy in two opposite states(motion vs rest) in a manner described in the following paragraph. The API Gateway is used by every other team giving a unique insight into how our products and services work and gives an opportunity . January 31, 2021. It is conscious force, the fundamental, primal power of existence without form, a state of infinite being. On the other hand, the human mind under the discipline of Hemi-Sync acts after the fashion of a laser beam which produces a disciplined stream of light. Answer (1 of 10): The Gateway Experience/Process was one of the New Age ideas people in the CIA looked into in the 1970s in hopes of finding ways of developing parapsychological powers (probably because they knew the Soviets were also trying to do the same thing. Encounters with intelligent, non-corporal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded writes, there is no to. In to the frequencies waves I - VII ( each wave may.! One of the island of Manhattan philosophy, religion, or medical diagnosis/ treatment, philosophy, religion, recommendations. Of considerable importance since it is conscious force, the eternal thought or concept of cosmic. With the ancient writings of the human body e. then repeat steps and! Of healing specific areas or systems of the body well documented in his primary of! A. 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