Sunlight can cause cooking your spider in its house. It does not store any personal data. Although, if you keep that your tarantula is sitting with its legs tucked under itself, or if it has a withered and pitiable-looking abdomen, you should ask for the help of an exotics veterinarian to identify your tarantulas situation correctly. A dull or shriveled appearance can indicate disease. Its also exceptionally accessible and provides great visibility. This essentially means that new world tarantulas are easier to care for and are highly recommended for beginners or keepers that dont want to deal with dangerous species. Feeding them a steady diet of crickets every week will ensure their healthy growth (more on feeding your curly hair tarantula below). However, it is possible to spook them, which can cause them to flee or jump out of your hands. This approachable tarantula has brought many tarantula owners into the hobby and made it a favorite. Remove moldy substrate, eaten prey carcass, and other unwanted stuff. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon(.com,, .ca etc) and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. However, some spiders tend to get trapped inside their carapaces and could die a slow painful death. So an ideal terrarium or enclosure would be 40 x 30 x 30 (L x W X H). It is a very forgiving species and can be kept between 70-85F and a humidity range of 65% to 80%. Curly Hair Tarantula (2'') quantity. Grammostola pulchra - Unsexed - Brazilian Black. The Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula is a giant spider with curly hairs on its body. Spiderlings, unsexed juveniles, and sexed adults are all available for decent prices. Moderately rapidly growing. The species is generally docile but does spook easily. It does have specific environmental needs, but they arent hard to meet. If you have any questions or are looking for a specific tarantula please Contact Us. It is also smaller and has a darker colored body than the Honduran curly hair. Rose Hair Tarantula Care; Blue Tongue Skink Care; Stripe-tailed Scorpion; Vensulean Suntiger Tarantula; Storefront; 0. . Curly hair tarantulas are new world tarantulas that can be found in places such as Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Do not overheat the terrarium. They typically grow to be around 5-7 inches in legspan and are brown in color. B. albopilosum is quite a heavy-bodied tarantula that's covered in dark/brown hairs as a base, while tan and gold hairs that are characteristically curly sprout up all over, giving it a fluffy and, frankly, adorable appearance. Curly hair tarantulas are fairly low-maintenance pets, requiring regular feedings and periodic cleanings. A stuck molt can be a death sentence for a tarantula, so youll need to intervene in this case. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Its recommended to do the feedings in the evening when the spider is more active and ready to eat. When using heat mats always use a thermostat alongside to help with temperature control and prevent overheating. Plus, they're not very active animals for those who prefer lots of excitement. Like all tarantula species, the female curly hairs live longer. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. So, unless you trust your source for the exact species, please do not attempt to breed them. Moreover, this tarantula needs a humidity level in its tank that's around 65 to 70 percent, which you can measure with a hygrometer. While this may not be the biggest tarantula out there, its certainly one of the best eaters! Most furs are dark brown to black, but some are golden, which shines like gold. hm Ill skip on adding water and let it dry out an extra week, ive been doing it once a week, half the cup. Unlike arboreal spiders, these guys will need more legroom than height, so you should consider the ground space they will need rather than height. It is essential to provide your tarantula with sections to hide, such as howl, wood pieces, or even small jars, which helps spiders hide. In an enclosure, you can feed them live, pesticide-free insects such as crickets and roaches. This spider has an attractive dark-colored body with a golden-bronze sheen due to its long golden curly hairs that envelop the body. In the wild, they feast on insects and small vertebrates. As long as the tarantula's enclosure is sufficiently sized, your pet should get the exercise it needs. A large take-out soup container is suitable for some substrate at the bottom. You will enjoy this spider for many years. Then, add pieces of cork bark, a hollow log, or even half of a small clay flower pot to serve as a hiding spot for your spider. Spiders are not insects but arachnids. It ensures that your feeders are gut-loaded if they are fed healthy; your pet is fed healthy, too. Difficulty: Beginner. Slings tend to sell for around $30, unsexed juveniles are about $50, and sexed adults are about $75 for males and $100 for females. 1. Housing, diet, heating, lighting, substrate and more. It has a docile temperament and can be handled with ease. The humidity facilitates this procedure, as too dry of an environment could be this species ruin. Due to its curly hairs this species has a wooly like appearance . [3] Males are often a lighter bronze color than females. Read our, Curly Hair Tarantula Behavior and Temperament. Bedding should be changed out completely every 4 to 6 months or so anyway. They should be kept in a warm, dry environment with a humidity level of around 50%. Their scientific name Tliltocatl albopilosus comes from Tliltocatl which stands for the genus. I got that, and stated above, I posted the pics just as a reference that im keeping it correctly, more or less. Is the Curly hair tarantula good for beginners? This tarantula is definitely cute. You should be tremendously cautious when handling your tarantula if you are known to be severely affected by bees. Due to his long, white curly hairs, he looks much closer to a Nicaraguan than a Honduran, so much so that I initially assumed he was a Nicaraguan. Tarantula Spider Bite Information. Curly hair tarantulas are solitary animals and shouldn't even be housed with other spiders of their own species. Curly hair tarantula molting is usually not painful but it can be a sensitive and vulnerable time for your spider. The only time they would ever bite would be in self-defense, but it is so rare, you must have taunted it or given it a reason to act out defensively. Seperti namanya, satu berasal dari Honduras yang lebih dulu dipelihara sebagai peliharaan eksotis, dan satu lagi berasal dari Nicaragua. They are well-loved by beginners and experts alike and are not likely to get aggressive. However, this genus name is neuter, so the species name was later corrected to albopilosum. How do you care for an Albo tarantula? Simply drop the prey into the enclosure near your spider. As they grow you will need to make appropriate upgrades until you need an enclosure. Welcome to the tarantula world if you are new, and go ahead and leave a comment below if you have any questions. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Also, male tarantulas usually die off right after they reach maturity. This is pretty similar easy to maintain if you place a hygrometer in the enclosure and mist it when needed. For more information about tarantula visit here. Female Nicaraguan T.albo $150 C-versi $150 T.apophysis $150 P. pulcher $150 Avicularia avic juvie $80 and sling $25 All come with their set ups already. 75F to 80F with about 65% to 70% humidity. If you observe your spider on its back with its legs up, this is the establishment of the molting process. Tarantulas and other Arachnids: A complete pet owner's manual. This is one of the most widely available and affordable species of tarantula. Adult size: 15 to 18cm. This is definitely a good beginner tarantula. The Honduran curly hair tarantula is also known as Brachypelma albopilosum, and falls under the same species as the Costa Rican and Nicaraguan curly hair. . [6], Tliltocatl albopilosus is native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The Nicaraguan flag is simple and classy, primarily featuring white and a light shade of blue. To maintain humidity and temperature levels, plastic or acrylic enclosures are better at keeping both. They are highly adaptable to humidity and temperature changes and they feed readily on commercially available crickets, superworms, and cockroaches. Also, tarantula fanciers take better care of females because they give birth and that means more tarantulas! 4. Its popular name describes the long curly hairs of the legs and, to a lesser extent, the body and abdomen . Females reach a legspan of about 6, while males are a bit smaller. Their body itself is about 3 inches long. Brachypelma albopilosum, or the Honduran Curly Hair tarantula, is one of those species. This particular species is from Central America specifically Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Sometimes, they even like to move pieces of bark and other decorative items you may have provided in the enclosure. Eats crickets once a week, temp 73-82, humidity 45-65, 10gal tank. It is also quite bold and wont hide although it does burrow in its substrate. They are typically docile. To begin with, this is a new world tarantula, meaning that its very laid-back, friendly, and prefers to run away instead of fighting a potential threat. This tarantula has a dark-colored round body wrapped with long strands that have slight and beautiful curls. Your tarantulas tank should be kept out of direct sunlight, as they are nocturnal and natural light will mess up their internal clock. tarantula but withburrowing instincts. However, they also like to burrow. The whole process can take weeks, but the authentic molt is complete in a few hours. A curly hair tarantula will move around its enclosure and might even rearrange some of the items you provide, such as pieces of bark. Mount Sinai Health System. While its a docile species, that doesnt mean that it doesnt have spunk. Out of stock. [1] As of November 2019, the genus Brachypelma was split into Brachypelma and Tliltocatl, with the curlyhair tarantula being a part of the latter. They're fairly large, and legspans of 5.5 inches are common for mature females. Add a three-inch layer of chemical-free potting soil, peat moss, or vermiculite. Most of the time, they are terrestrial and will opportunistically burrow. The curlyhair tarantula is a plump-bodied spider, covered with dark brown to black bristles that start light in coloration as a juvenile and darken as the tarantula ages. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. B. Using a humid substrate will help keep the humidity levels up. Curly Hair Tarantula humidity It is best to keep it in an enclosure with at around 65%. It is also a active T; always rearranging the enclosure. They can comfortably live in room temperatures around 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Most of the bristles are a dark brown to black color, but some are golden. Owners state that this is one of their most ravenous tarantulas, attacking its prey quickly and efficiently subduing it. So an ideal terrarium or enclosure would be 40 x 30 x 30 (L x W X H). Their body itself is about 3 inches long. The species' native range is Costa Rica. But for the most part, your spider will sit in a restful state unless it is hunting its prey. Are curly hair tarantulas hard to take care of? You should keep their tank at about 65 to 80 percent. As tarantulas are a terrestrial species, horizontal space is always more significant than height, as too high of an enclosure can result in falls and redundant injury to your spider. But its often easier to go through a reputable breeder or exotic pet rescue group. Tarantulas: Terrible or Terrific! Upgrade to an Arachnosupporter account. No. Male Curly Hairs will live for around 10 years whereas females can live up to 20 years. Cyriopagopus lividus - CB 1"+ - Cobalt Blue Tarantula $55.00 $55.00 Cyriopagopus longipes - FEMALE - 4" - 5" - Vietnam Earth Tiger Tarantula $150.00 $150.00 Davus pentaloris - CB - Guatemalan Tiger Rump . Cornell University. With Proper Care These Can Live 10 - 25 Years In Captivity With Females Living Longer; Related products. Tarantulas usually dont face significant health problems when fed the proper diet and kept in a suitable environment. Social. Young tarantulas generally will need feedings every two to five days while adults eat roughly once a week, though this can vary. Once captured in large numbers for the international pet trade, the curlyhair tarantula is now bred in captivity worldwide and relatively few are caught in the wild. Avoid adding prey in the enclosure when your spider is molting. Humidity: 70 - 80%. Make sure the female has molted before she is bred. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Does a curly hair tarantula make a good pet for kids? They can sometimes build up a bald mark on their abdominal area due to repeated kicking, one of the animals primary defense mechanisms. The Nicaraguan coat of arms lies in the center of the flag. Tarantulas can spin silk, and they use the silk to line their burrows and protect their eggs. T. albopilosus is frequently kept and bred in captivity. Like any animal, curly hair tarantulas need physical activity to stay healthy. Scientific Name: Tliltocatl albopilosus (formerly Brachypelma albopilosum) Common Name: Curly Hair, Honduran Curly Hair, Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula Endemic Location: Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa . Lifespan: 10 - 12 yrs (females) or 3 - 4 yrs (males) Price: $40 - $70. They are incredibly skilled spiders competent in conquering just about any living, The Hapalopus sp. However, they are also rather delicate, so handle your buddy with extreme care. They can also have the very occasional treat of a single pinky mouse. The curly hair tarantula has a round body covered with bristles that tend to curl. The tarantula can have difficulty molting if the section gets too dry, which can cause death and disfigure your spider. Best Bird Cage for Cockatiel 2023 Top 6 Picks! Once you are sure you have a thoroughbred pair, then breeding is fairly easy. The "Honduran Curly Hair" that has been imported for decades were coming from both Costa Rica and Honduras as the country of origin. Does the curly hair tarantula like to be held? 2 year old curly. They are terrestrial, opportunistic burrowing spiders. We hope this guide helps you set up a comfortable curly hair tarantula habitat at home. They have round black bodies with distinctive bristles of hair on them that come out to a slight curl, which is how they got their name. Curly Hair Tarantula Curly Hair Tarantulas are named for their long, slightly curled hairs that cover their legs and some of their body. Is there a real difference? That's why it's very important to wash your hands well (and don't rub your eyes) after handling a tarantula or anything in its enclosure. Tarantula Feeding - What, when, and how much to feed; HUSBANDRY NOTES BY SPECIES; How Do I Know if My Tarantula Is in Premolt? just changed her tank I have no idea how to care for tarantula. If you are looking for curly hair tarantula for sale, then you can easily find one for a price of $20 to $50 depending on the breeder. It can also cook your spider as they are sensitive to the suns light. They can kick hairs off their abdomens that irritate a person's skin and cause damage if they get in your eyes. Remove any uneaten prey after 24 hours to keep the enclosure clean. Care Sheets; Gear; Shipping Supplies; About Us; Order Issue; Customers. Doing so offers by far the least chance of hurting your tarantula, or getting bitten. This tarantula is definitely cute. Your curly hair tarantula bite is not venomous or fatal but it can sting like a bees. Temp: 24 - 28C. Housing A 5- to 10-gallon tank with a secure, ventilated lid is suitable for curly hair tarantulas. Beginner A very hardy tarantula thats easy to care for and not dangerous at all to be around. Characteristics, Housing, Diet, and Other Information, Matt Meadows / Photolibrary / Getty Images. Another thing you can do to keep humidity levels high is to mist the enclosure. The infantile is inclined to be a bit on the shy side, but as the adult, this species will spend more and more time out in the open areas, though they may always run away rapidly to a burrow if they feel threatened. This tarantula is large spider burrowing species and a terrestrial inhabitant of the neotropics. This will help to keep your tarantula happy, healthy, and content all things that increase its quality of life. Khiri Khan Earth Tiger -1/2"-Chilobrachys Sp Prachuap Khiri Khan Tarantula. However, it is one of the faster-growing species in the genus. Physical Appearance of Curly Hair Tarantula, Interesting Facts about Pumpkin Patch Tarantula ( Hapalopus sp), Complete Care Sheet of Orange Baboon Tarantula(Pterinochilus Murinus), Curly Hair, Honduran Curly Hair, Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula. Any questions burrow in its substrate and temperament to spook them, which like! Line their burrows and protect their eggs least chance of hurting your happy. When the spider is molting or fatal but it can be handled with ease 65 80! Vensulean Suntiger tarantula ; Storefront ; 0. are a dark brown to black,. Feedings every two to five days while adults eat roughly once a week, though this can vary yet. 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