Surya Bonaly: I thought, it's still sport, sports mean challenge. Didier Gailhagu: We used the press very well. TV Interviewers: Are they unfair to you Surya? Latif Nasser: So that's exactly the problem. "I never really quit skating. It's okay. Latif Nasser: And she would attack everything. And we had three possibilities. Latif Nasser: I'm really curious about what happened at the medal ceremony in 1994. Tracie Hunte: They would just be flying through the air. "I've been doing shows with champion Evgeni Plushenko for years. Really I was so messed up. Surya Bonaly: Well, never mind. They were totally like woman, you know, pretty, graceful, who make those men crazy when they were watching it, you know. And-, TV Announcers: So we've seen the girl-. Elvis Stojko: She wouldn't stand on it. Tracie Hunte: A lot of them were like, "Eh". There was this one time we found on YouTube where she boos the judges-. Tracie Hunte: Exactly, yes. navigator.sendBeacon('', payload); Surya Bonaly: Like Holiday on Ice. It came down to a choice between Yuka Sato's artistry and dynamic footwork and Surya Bonaly's gymnastic jumping, and the judges gave the women's world figure skating championship to Sato Saturday . ", Following the 1998 Games, she retired from competition, but continued to skate professionally. "A stunning backflip," Newsday wrote, 20 years ago this week. Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Kruller. What has happened since this story ended? Closing Credits: End of message. Between my legs and my achilles, I was a disaster. Surya Bonaly: No. Latif Nasser: She's in this gold and blue sequin outfit, and she starts her routine. TV Interviewers: Did you deserve the gold medal Surya? Sandra Bezic: No, no, no, no. The sport's balletic arm . Surya Bonaly was not your typical figure skater. Elvis Stojko: I came down right on my face. Latif Nasser: Oh, you'll see. That is not fair. Latif Nasser: And she goes over off to the side to a bench with her coach to await her results. Latif Nasser: Yeah, just for daring. This article is more than 3 years old. is part of the Meredith Health Group. I had the courage to say because she was black. EDINA, Minn. When Surya Bonaly started figure skating as a little girl, it was casual. Surya Bonaly is a three-time World silver medalist in figure skating, a five-time European champion, the 1991 World Junior Champion and a nine-time French. Tracie Hunte: But when it came down to the artistic marks-. Christian Estrosi, le maire de Nice, est celui qui la oubli. European champion and vice-world champion, the sportswoman chained the trophies as fast as her acrobatics.However, these prestigious titles did not necessarily bring him gold.Throughout his career, the athlete has been regarded as "The black" in this very codified discipline. This has never been repeated in Olympic competition since. Tracie Hunte: She would do back flips, hands-. "We don't want her because she's black? Latif Nasser: Again, that's Sandra Bezic. But Surya didnt accept that criticism. I have to keep going. TV Announcers: Sixteen year old Oksana Bayul. Surya Bonaly broke many of figure skating's racial barriers, and a new documentary honors her legacy. "But it is what it is. That's okay. TV Announcers: She's heartbroken. Jad Abumrad: So they didn't change their mind about the back flip in the end. Latif Nasser: And to make matters worse, Surya at that moment was already recovering from a ruptured achilles tendon. TV Announcers: It's just the opposite from the technical marks, 8 of the 9 judges, all but the French judge, giving her higher marks. So okay, so we're starting in 1998. Jad Abumrad: But I don't necessarily hear whatever it is that she is hearing and think, "Yes!". If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing She was adopted by white parents when she was only 18 months old and began skating at the young age of 11. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); If someone else did it later in a competition, I would have been pissed because I was kind of the one who created it, so now it's in everyone's memory! Sandra Bezic: If you watch her jumps, they were on straight lines, and if a jump is on a straight line, then it can't land with flow because the idea is to land your jump with as much speed and flow as you had going into it. she told the Olympic Channel podcast in 2020. Tonya Harding: Dylan Keefe is our Director of Sound Design. Jad Abumrad: This is Radiolab. You're like recalculating. TV Announcers: Another triple. "I've been in Las Vegas since end of 1999," she told CY Interview in 2020. partir du jeudi 2 mars 2023, retrouvez Nous faire justice , le nouveau cycle de discussions des Couilles sur la table.5 ans aprs le dbut de la vague #MeToo, nous commenons, collectivement, mesurer l'impact des violences sexistes et sexuelles sur nos vies. Jad Abumrad: Do you have any idea what you're saying right now? Chlo Mortaud, ne le 19 septembre 1989 Lisieux, est une reine de beaut et animatrice de tlvision franco-amricaine.Elle a t lue Miss Albigeois Midi-Pyrnes 2008 puis Miss France 2009, ce qui fait d'elle la 79 e Miss France.Elle est aussi la 5 e dauphine de Miss Univers 2009 et la 3 e dauphine de Miss Monde 2009.. Elle est aussi citoyenne amricaine [1] ; il s'agit de la . She takes the ice-. Latif Nasser: This is Tonya Harding, and she and Surya were friends. Again. Tracie Hunte: After that, it's just triple, triple, triple, triple, triple. Latif Nasser: But there is this kind of ironic thing, I guess, which is that if you took her and you put her in competition today, if she was competing on the world stage today, she would would probably do better than she did back then. Surya Bonaly revealed in a recent interview that she has been living in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the past 16 months She moved there to be with her fiance, professional skating coach Peter. Valieva est incontestablement au centre de lattention aux Jeux de Pkin, mais elle nest pas la seule attirer lattention sur les quadruples sauts en patinage artistique fminin. But, In Surya's case. Tracie Hunte: She does a back flip. Jaurais aim moccuper de la relve. And-. Tracie Hunte: What happens next is one of these moments that really defines Surya's story for a lot of people. Latif Nasser: And it was during this performance that Surya Bonaly did something that had never been done by anyone-. She knew. Latif Nasser: Okay, so to really understand just the context of all this, and the stakes of that moment, we gotta go all the way back. Cest chiant. They didn't know what to do with me. En plus davoir dcroch un palmars quasi ingal en patinage tricolore bien quil se soit vu refuser une mdaille olympique pour cause de blessure Surya Bonaly peut se vanter davoir invent une figure dsormais considre comme classique mais interdite en comptition, une variante du salto arrire , qui porte son nom. So as far as sports go, it's kind of in its own category. They rewarded skaters who performed a series of complicated, at times delicate - and approved - ice skating moves. Respect Sorya, je vous ai toujours admir, quelle carrire, et le salto arrire restera longtemps grav dans notre ma mmoire ! And if I do, you don't care. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, it's mine. Judges prioritized what they saw as grace. A New Approach. There are different sounds. She's the kind of skater that puts a smile on your face. Surya Bonaly is a 10-time French figure skating champion, 5-time European figure skating champion, 3-time Olympian (1992, 1994 & 1998), and a 3-time World Figure Skating silver medalist. Robert Krulwich: Wait a minute. Lancien champion ouvrira les festivits du Nol camarguais 2017 Aigues-Mortes le 15 dcembre 19h, prsentera une exposition Antibes le 16 dcembre 17h30, et ddicacera la nouvelle patinoire Nmes le 22 dcembre. TV Interviewers: Very disappointed? Puoi creare e condividere la tua playlist riunendo video da diverse piattaforme. Team France. She had maybe less triples than me, but she was maybe more prettier. It was huge. RELATED:See Figure Skater Nancy Kerrigan Now, 28 Years After Her Last Olympics. So now, you get points for doing the kinds of power moves that she was doing way back when. Tracie Hunte: Well, she retired from figure skating after the 98 Olympics. En raison de mon haut niveau dathltisme, jai pens quil serait bnfique pour moi dessayer simplement damliorer mes [quad jumps].. And there's no end to what she might achieve. Surya Bonaly a annonc sa retraite de la comptition amateur en 1998, aprs les Jeux olympiques dhiver de Nagano au Japon. Ironiquement, ce chiffre a t essentiel pour lempcher de remporter une mdaille dor olympique dans le mme sport en 1998 Nagano. And we sent the clip to Sandra, and she was like, "Yes!". She grew up in Nice. En 2015, elle accorde sa confiance nos confrres : Comme le montre le fait que jaurais prfr passer mon aprs-carrire en France, qui est mon pays dorigine ! Surya Bonaly Wiki, Age, Biography. Her performancespunctuated by triple-triple jumps and other power movesthrilled audiences around the world. La mre envahissante de Surya Bonaly La mre envahissante de Surya Bonaly Quand les proches des sportifs sment la zizanie Suzanne, la mre adoptive de Surya Bonaly, tait rpute trs. Un acte de violence psychologique, mais aussi psychologique. Stories, right? I was competing on the national team [in France] for 12 years, and there are [kids] who watched me for years and years performing while they were small. TV Announcers: Surya has not cut her hair since her birth. Bonaly, en revanche, na jamais cess de dfier les rgles souvent trop svres du patinage artistique tout au long de sa carrire sportive, bien quil nait jamais remport lor olympique dans ce sport. I keep my eyes open. "I don't know if race made it more difficult, but it. Elle a atteint le sol, mais elle est tombe environ un quart de tour avant de terminer quatre rotations dans les airs; les juges ont jug que son effort tait sous-tourn et ne comptait donc pas comme un quadruple saut. Si Surya Bonaly a poursuivi une seconde carrire aux tats-Unis, conforte par sa naturalisation amricaine en 2004 et ses fianailles avec le patineur Pete Biver en septembre 2016, elle reste une habitue de la France. Tracie Hunte: She'd strike a pose, and then just take off. Surya Bonaly: Because it's not my place, and I'm just disappointed. It was a totally different approach. Well, how about every day?" Latif Nasser: What about it felt unfair? TV Announcers: Flowers for Katarina! What could happen if somebody with unrivaled athleticism and no aversion to risk was willing to go after it? It was just one of the best skates of her life. Johnette Howard: Well, it was, it was arresting. However, Bonaly, nine-time French national champion from 1989-97 and five-time European champion from 1991-95, was the first to attempt this jump ever, paving the way for today's athletes.She landed a quad salchow, but under-rotated it by only a quarter-rotation, at the 1992 Olympics. Rerouting, okay we have to go right now! Latif Nasser: She'd step on the ice, and people would go crazy. sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices. Surya Bonaly: Well, you know. TV Announcers: There it is, she's got it! Elvis Stojko: I didn't want to skate like what they wanted skating to look like. Surya Bonaly dazzled figure skating fans with her skill, but being black in a mostly white sport made it tough to be fairly judged on the world stage. TV Announcers: An unlikely place to find a world-class figure skater. Surya Bonaly: She did good, she did good. Surya Bonaly: People, when they stand up and start making noise and tap their feet into the ground, I can feel the whole building. Latif Nasser: And that she had, that she, what was it? The retired sportsperson Surya Bonaly was born on 15 December 1973. And one day I find out that I had, you know, some skating boots who fit me and-. Surya Bonaly: From the local ring, I guess a coach kind of call and have a meeting with your parents, say "Hey, you know, it will be nice if you could come like two times a week. It must be a very confusing situation to be in. a t victime de violences physiques et psychologiques de la part de sa propre mre, qui a t sa principale motivation. Surya Bonaly: I thought it was like, amazing. Tracie Hunte: Combination after combination. Latif Nasser: Powerfulness versus prettiness. Original music from Matt, and also from Dylan Keefe. It was so close. Stop now. Jad Abumrad: What do you mean? Did you feel that any of the difficulty was because you're black? Robert Krulwich: The question would be: What if you, with all your heart, wanted to be the best at something? It was not perfect because nobody is perfect, but pretty good competition overall. It'd really help us out if you answered a couple questions. I improved like every week, every month you can see a difference. Deux jours plus tt, l'ex-athlte franaise a reu un cadeau inestimable, son insigne. Surya was always very like-. And I split my eye open and almost broke my neck and I was just like, you know what, I don't think this is going to be a good thing. Latif Nasser: No, no back flips, sadly. It's like a computer, if I would have missed something, a jump, I say, "Okay, here, I can fit a triple here, obviously I can do a combo triple triple. Because there are no scratches. So knock on wood, I hope I'll be able to die in peace. Thodore de Banville, auteur de La Mer de Nice. Robert Krulwich: She came in second, that's not bad. Robert Krulwich: And I think it's very legitimate to feel like you can't out your finger on this feeling that never goes away and never absolves and is always there and always makes you feel weird. TV Interviewers: Do you feel you were robbed tonight? Les horaires modifis sont aussi visibles lorsque vous recherchez une gare. TV Announcers: She competed for France in 1994 and just missed the podium. Bye bye. Tracie Hunte: And speaking of difference, you know, if we fast forward a little bit TV Announcers: And here she is on the world stage, Surya Bonaly. Latif Nasser: You're like the GPS lady. [ 1] Melissa O'donnell, Kelsey Padgett, Sandra Bezic: Arianne Wack, and Molly Webster, with help from Alexandra Lee Young, Tonya Harding: Tracie Hunt, Stephanie Tam, and Micah Loewinger. And in a 5-4 decision-. If I don't, do you kill me? Latif Nasser: Sure, but picture yourself if you're in that position, and you find yourself getting second, second, you feel like you're not-. Latif Nasser: Does the splits in the air. And Surya was daring. Tonya Harding: She had the stepping, the gliding, the running. We just mic'ed up a bunch of really good figure skaters. TV Announcers: This girl is very different. Sources. The sound of a beautiful skater going from edge to edge, from lean to lean. Now I'm preparing to go on a big tour in Europe for Holiday on Ice. Tracie Hunte: She gets back up, keeps going through her routine. But, I can kind of see where he was going because what he was trying to do, was that he was trying to present her to the world as this radically new kind of skater. She'll be back, and so will we for the medal ceremony. Sandra Bezic: This gentle, almost soundless quality, like a whisper across the ice. Tracie Hunte: They were also-. They see it was possible for me, so hopefully they think, 'Why not try it?'" I'm broken, I'm damaged, I'm like a used car that's good for the trash. ", Latif Nasser: And so, on the final day-, Tracie Hunte: She says that between-, Surya Bonaly: Medicine, massage, acupuncture, pills-. The claim that Surya Bonaly, a French figure skater who rose to prominence in the early-mid 90s, was the reason the backflip was banned from figure skating is false. TV Interviewers: Are the judges unfair to you? TV Announcers: A late arrival, and here she comes. ', raconte lathlte. Tracie Hunte: Is that there's this fundamental tension in the sport of figure skating between artistry on one side and athleticism on the other. She began working on a quad in practice in 1989 after winning the first of her nine consecutive national figure skating titles. And he told me he planted these stories! If you're talking about Serena Williams, whose facing a lot of these same kinds of criticisms, it doesn't matter. Latif Nasser: That was the World Championships, not the Olympics. TV Announcers: Yuka's one of my favorite skaters, but she doesn't have the combination jump like Bonaly did, so she's going to need all her jumps. What is that about? Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Krulwich. February 25, 2023 Surya bonaly enceinte 2020; Lors de sa performance libre aux Jeux olympiques de Nagano en 1998, l'olympienne Surya Bonaly est peut-tre surtout connue pour avoir choqu les juges en faisant un saut prilleux arrire, ce qui tait une premire pour elle l'poque. Latif Nasser: But this little teenage girl, Surya Bonaly, no problem. TV Interviewers: Why did you not accept the medal? Year of Birth 1973. And the crowd loved it. Surya Bonaly remained involved in skating. Latif Nasser: Starts her program-. Aprs avoir t professionnelle, elle a continu se produire dans divers galas et comptitions travers le monde, et elle est mme apparue dans La ferme clbrits 3 de TF1 en 2010. Latif Nasser: So it goes to being a tiebreaker. Latif Nasser: So she ends up finishing 10th. TV Announcers: There's a lot there to be fixed. Cela est d en partie au nouveau systme de notation qui a t tabli en 2006, qui rcompense les patineurs pour les composants de patinage score lev comme les sauts en quad en augmentant le nombre de rvolutions quils effectuent. Matt Kielty: Did she skate in a lot of other competitions after 95? Latif Nasser: Had anyone ever done this back flip onto one blade before?

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